Thursday, October 29, 2015

A Freeze-frame of Christ's Love

I have a memory of an experience that is "freeze-framed" in my brain, a moment in an experience that seered into my memory and ended up forever with me as a photograph would be.

I was standing in the foyer of the church with my children, waiting for other parents and children and youth to arrive when a young youth advisor burst through the doors, saw my children, embraced them up in a giant hug and told them how happy she was that they were there. That's the photograph I have in my mind nearly 20 years later - my children hugged up in the love of the church. And at that moment I realized how grateful I was that if my children suddenly for some reason did not have me and/or their father in their lives the church had them covered. It was then that I knew I wanted my children to have a church home and church family connected in Jesus Christ. I wanted them to have more than I alone could offer them, and that would come through the church and its people.

That doesn't mean I expected or wanted perfection in the church, or perfection in leaders or other children and youth. It was a mess a good deal of the time. But, so is real life, and learning how to manage and think for oneself is critical, to be in the mess and yet to be in a place to nurture and be nurtured, to teach and be taught the great message of the love of Christ for all. In the midst of that mess were messages of Affirmation, Grace and Forgiveness, Hope and Love. The very things I needed my children to need and have. 

So, Church, here's my expectation of you: Be the Church. Be the Hands and Feet of Christ. Be forgiving. Be welcoming. Be patient. Teach.

Sadly, the time came that my high school daughter lost her father. It did not go well for her. She suffered. And by that time the church that had embraced her for years had broken arms. The conflict within the church zapped all the energies it had. The church could not take care of itself, much less reach out to a grieving 17 year old.

Even in the messes, please church, remember to reach out in love.Take care of others and your own health will improve. Embrace all God's children who need you to be Christ in their world. 

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